This page gathers the contributions we have received in response to our project Sustainable tax systems. The first topic adressed is taxes and the environment.
As support to our project, further resources provided by individuals and organisations can be found in the “links” section.
Our current tax systems are struggling to keep up with new business models, ageing demographics, and mobile taxpayers. The coronavirus crisis, climate urgency and social stresses have exacerbated these difficulties.
Accountancy Europe believes now is the time to consider how tax systems must be changed to deal with future funding challenges and help develop a sustainable economy. We call for contribution from leaders in taxation to share their views on the changes necessary to make tax systems fit for the future. Read more.
Claudia Dias Soares - IEEP Advisory Board & Green Budget Europe Advisory Committee
Phil Hall - Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)
Angela Köppl, Margit Schratzenstaller - Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Melinda Maupeu
Francesco Orsi - Wageningen University & Research
Thomas Pogge
Thomas Pogge (second contribution)
Kyle Pomerleau - American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Chiara Putaturo - Oxfam
Walter R. Stahel
Arthur ten Wolde -
Maria Volanen - Technology Industries of Finland
Call for contributions: sustainable tax systems - Accountancy Europe
Ageing population, emerging technologies and fiscal sustainability can influence EU’s path to sustainable future - European Environment Agency
The role of (environmental) taxation in supporting sustainability transitions - European Environment Agency
How to win public support for a global carbon tax - Stefano Carattini , Steffen Kallbekken & Anton Orlov
Waste Incineration under the EU ETS: an assessment of climate benefits - Zero Waste Europe