
7 April 2016 — News

The Federation of European Accountants welcomes plans to simplify VAT and tackle fraud in the EU

The Federation of European Accountants welcomes plans to simplify VAT and tackle fraud in the EU



Brussels, 7 April 2016

The Federation of European Accountants welcomes the VAT Action Plan titled Towards a single EU VAT area – Time to decide that the European Commission issued today. Accountants play a vital role in supporting businesses to fulfil their VAT obligations. The Federation is thus ready to offer the Commission its expertise in reforming the European VAT system.

“The Federation is glad that the Action Plan aims to simplify the current VAT system and recognises the particular needs of SMEs”, according to President Petr Kriz. “Tackling VAT fraud and adapting to the digital economy will prove crucial in making the VAT system fit for the 21st century. Reducing compliance burdens for companies, especially SMEs, should remain at the forefront; new measures should help and not hinder business. We welcome in particular that the Commission will shortly address VAT obstacles to cross-border e-commerce and we look forward to further details on a definitive VAT regime in the EU.”

“The Federation of European Accountants is very grateful to the VAT Unit of DG TAXUD”, CEO Olivier Boutellis-Taft added. “The Head of Unit presented this Action Plan at our 3rd VAT Roundtable on 18 February where over 100 participants discussed the anticipated VAT proposals. The Federation is committed to be part of the solution for VAT in Europe and will keep informing this debate independently.”

Related links:
FEE VAT Roundtable series
European Commission’s VAT Action Plan

About FEE
FEE (Federation of European Accountants) is an international non-profit organisation based in Brussels that represents 50 institutes of professional accountants and auditors from 37 European countries, including all of the 28 EU member states. FEE has a combined membership close to a million professional accountants, working in different capacities in public practice, small and large accountancy firms, businesses of all sizes, government and education – all of whom contribute to a more efficient, transparent and sustainable European economy.

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