
5 August 2014 — News

EC publishes the official consolidated version of the 2014 Audit Directive

EC publishes the official consolidated version of the 2014 Audit Directive


The audit reform, taking the form of a Directive and a Regulation, was approved in April 2014 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 27 May 2014.

The European Commission has now published the official consolidated version of the Directive on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts (SAD 2006/43/EC) as amended by Directive 2014/56/EU.


Related Links

EC Consolidated version of the Directive on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts


Related FEE Documents

FEE Briefing Papers on Audit Reform

 Table of 2014 Amendments to Statutory Audit Directive 2006

FEE FAQ on European Directive on Statutory Audits of Annual and Consolidated Accounts and Regulation on Statutory Audit of Public Interest Entities

FEE 2014 Audit Reform Options Comparison Tables

FEE Factsheet on Audit Directive and Regulation

FEE Press Release on EP vote 3 April 2014