
6 March 2020 — News

The European Commission’s approach to tax

with Benjamin Angel Director DG TAXUD, European Commission

The European Commission’s approach to tax

In the second episode of ‘Because People Count’ we hear from highlights from the speech of Benjamin Angel (Director, DG TAXUD European Commission) at Accountancy Europe’s Tax Day. Angel discusses with us the European Commission’s response to challenges to the tax system including their work at OECD level to modernise the tax system. He discussed the possibility for an EU framework on cooperative compliance and the possibility of legislative action to ensure that online platforms transfer information to tax authorities. Stay tuned to hear more about updates on EU financial and non-financial matters! Subscribe today on iTunesSpotifySoundcloud and more!


Find out more about the topics discussed:

Accountancy Europe publications:

OECD tax negotiations:


Tax decision making:

Tax transparency: