
6 March 2017 — News

Accountancy Europe CEO invited at the European Parliament’s PANA Committee hearing

Accountancy Europe CEO invited at the European Parliament’s PANA Committee hearing

Accountancy Europe CEO, Olivier Boutellis-Taft, was invited on 6 March 2017 to the public hearing The role of lawyers, accountants and bankers in Panama Papers, organised by the European Parliament’s Committee of Inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions to money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion (PANA).

Olivier called for simpler laws in tax, transparency, and cooperation to address the challenge at hand (see full intervention starting 44:35 and the speech below).

Prior to his intervention, Olivier responded to 12 written questions from the PANA Committee (available below).

See in Related content below other interventions at the European Parliament.