Brussels, 30 September 2015
The European accountancy profession strongly supports the European Commission’s efforts to create deeper and stronger capital markets. Professional accountants, in their diverse capacities, bring the indispensable trust, transparency and comparability that capital markets need and they advise SMEs on financing opportunities.
As the umbrella organisation for the accountancy profession, FEE will inform this policy process independently. The proposals in the Action Plan released today align with FEE’s commitment to increasing European companies’ access to finance and making the financial system more resilient. FEE will especially contribute expertise and practical knowledge on the following proposals:
Better Regulation, both at European and national level, will be essential in integrating capital markets. Legislation should be simpler, without overlaps, and should not pose extra burdens on stakeholders.
European SMEs should be at the centre of these efforts. Therefore FEE, ESBG (European Savings and Retail Banking Group) and UEAPME (European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) will shortly present common ideas on improving access to finance for all SMEs under the Capital Markets Union. FEE is ready to join forces with other stakeholders to advance the European economy on topics such as market integration and SMEs’ access to finance.
More information:
European Commission – Capital Markets Union website
FEE comments on the Public Consultation on Building a Capital Markets Union (CMU)
FEE comments on the review of the Prospectus Directive
About FEE
FEE (Federation of European Accountants) is an international non-profit organisation based in Brussels that represents 47 institutes of professional accountants and auditors from 36 European countries, including all of the 28 EU member states. FEE has a combined membership of more than 800,000 professional accountants, working in different capacities in public practice, small and large accountancy firms, businesses of all sizes, government and education – all of whom contribute to a more efficient, transparent and sustainable European economy.
For more information:
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: + 32 2 893 33 60