
22 March 2017 — Publication

Pursuing the conversation on the Future of Corporate Reporting

Pursuing the conversation on the Future of Corporate Reporting

This paper is a follow-up to the 2015 Accountancy Europe Cogito paper, The Future of Corporate Reporting – creating the dynamics for change. It presents a summary of the responses received to the paper in writing as well as during several public and private events.

The high level and quality of engagement in the discussions so far around Europe, and internationally, tell us that the future of corporate reporting is a subject worth pursuing further. There is also an ongoing role for the accounting/ audit profession to play in continuing the debate about future directions.

We have identified three main topics for further development to move the future of corporate reporting forward:

  • elaborate the CORE & MORE concept
  • support the coordination and development of non-financial information reporting
  • further research the impact and opportunities of technology as a driver and enabler of reporting change

Each of these topics are discussed in more detail in the follow-up paper, complemented by relevant quotes from respondents. These stakeholders included preparers, users, auditors, regulators, academics, and policy makers from across Europe.

Accountancy Europe’s aim is to provide separate contributions and recommendations in the areas mentioned above. We also intend to host an event in the second half of 2017.

This publication is part of Accountancy Europe’s Cogito series. We set up Cogito (i.e. I think) to provide new ideas for the European accountancy profession, enhance innovation and contribute more to business and society. Cogito publications aim to stimulate debate; the views expressed thus do not reflect the official positions of Accountancy Europe or those of any of its member bodies.