Recognition of professional qualifications obtained in another EU Member State is essential to establish an internal market for professional services.
The current system (based on Directive 2005/36/EC) has been evaluated by the European Commission, who has consulted stakeholders and has finally adopted a legislative proposal on 19 December 2011.
FEE supports the European Commission’s general objectives of simplifying rules for the mobility of professionals within the EU, clarifying the framework for consumers and injecting more confidence into the system.
On 9 October 2013, the European Parliament voted in favour of the Commission legislative proposal for modernising Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications. On 15 November 2013 the Council of the EU has adopted the revised Professional Qualifications Directive. The adoption of the new directive by the Council follows an agreement with the European Parliament at first reading.
FEE has always carefully analysed the evaluation process and reacted where appropriate.
FEE contributions:
FEE Factsheet ‘Recognition of Professional Qualifications in another EU Member State’, March 2014
FEE comment letter to the European Parliament, 20 June 2012
FEE comment letter to the European Commission, 14 April 2010
Summary of discussions ‘FEE Roundtable on Qualifications and Recognition’, 17 June 2008
FEE Factsheet ‘Recognition of Professional Qualifications in the EU’, May 2008
Related links: EU Policy Developments