In the beginning of January, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) launched its exposure draft on G3, the third generation of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. GRI is organising a series of meeting to raise awareness about G3 and to stimulate discussion and comments on G3. The events, known as ‘Sneak Peeks’, are taking place in over 20 cites around the world from January to March 2006.
The aim of the Event is to allow participants: gain an in-depth orientation to the new Guidelines; hear from experts responsible for developing the G3 content; engage with GRI staff about the future of GRI and reporting; find out from opinion leaders about their first impressions of the draft G3 Guidelines; and discuss and network with high-level speakers and participants about sustainability reporting and the G3 Guidelines.
FEE hosted the European event on Friday, 17 March 2006.
Presentations and programme details are now available to download.
Presentation of Johan Piet, Chairman of FEE Sustainability Working Party
Presentation of Lars-Olle Larsson, Chairman of FEE Sustainability Assurance Subgroup
Presentation of Teresa Fogelberg, GRI Associate Director, Business Development, and James Murphy, GRI Associate Director, Resource Development
Related links: GRI G3 Guidelines