
18 June 2007 — News

Now is the time to limit auditors’ liability say European Accountants

Now is the time to limit auditors’ liability say European Accountants


On the occasion of the Commission’s release today of a summary of responses to an earlier consultation on reform of auditors’ liability, FEE President Jacques Potdevin said: “The status quo is not a policy for today’s changing global capital market and certainly not a way to foster EU integration, competition and competitiveness. FEE is concerned by the long term stability of markets and the ability of the audit profession to continue operating in a sustainable, healthy and competitive way”.

FEE praises the Commission for its balanced and prudent approach towards the issue and for informing the debate by the results of an independent study conducted by the consultant Firm London Economics followed by the public consultation.


Press Release

European Commission Auditors’ Liability Summary Report