
2 January 2006 — News

GRI Publishes Draft G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines

GRI Publishes Draft G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has published its draft G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. There is a 90-day public consultation period ending on 31 March 2006 as ultimate deadline. The draft G3 includes both the G3 Guidelines and the Indicator Protocols: economic; environment; human rights; labour; product responsibility and society. In addition, GRI published a document on ‘Everything you need to know about Draft G3 Guidelines – past, present and future. FEE will provide a response to the draft initiative on behalf of the European accounting profession.

The GRI’s mission is to make sustainability reporting as routine and comparable as financial reporting. It does this through the development and continuous improvement of a reporting framework that can be used by any organization to report on its economic, environmental, and social performance.

Related links:

G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines

The Global Reporting Initiative