
5 July 2006 — News

FEE Public Sector Conference: a very successful and productive conference for all

FEE Public Sector Conference: a very successful and productive conference for all


The European Federation of Accountants (FEE) together with the European Commission is pleased to announce that the conference on Modernising Accounting in the Public Sector was a huge success.

More than 330 delegates attended to participate in the debate which identified how Member States are progressing in implementing accrual accounting and which provided an opportunity to discuss practical and technical issues.

More information from the conference including speeches and presentations will soon be available from this website.

Related files:

 European Commissioner Dalia Grybauskait?’s Speech
 FEE Conference on Public Sector – Flyer
 Plenary Session Slides
 Press Release
 Programme of Events
 Workshop A – Summary document
 Workshop A Slides
 Workshop B Slides
 Workshop C Slides