12 October 2006 — News
The European Federation of Accountants (FEE) hosted a high level conference in Brussels on 12 October 2006, which addressed key issues in audit regulation in the EU.
The Conference discussed the views of all relevant stakeholders in the European and transatlantic debate on audit regulation, including the implementation of the EU Statutory Audit Directive.
The event provided an opportunity to demonstrate that public interest oversight, as mandated by the Directive on Statutory Audit, will protect the public interest, including through the participation of a range of stakeholder interests in the oversight structures, and this will foster consistent high quality standards of audit quality.
The Conference also addressed issues of cooperation and mutual recognition between oversight bodies, both within the EU and with third countries such as the United States.
Following the publication by the European Commission of a study on auditors’ liability undertaken by London Economics, Patrice Muller, Partner of London Economics and author of the study, addressed the Conference.
Related files:
01 Programme of Events
03 Press Release
05 Ben van der Veer speech (Chairman KPMG Europe)
06 Volker Röhricht speech (Chairman, Auditor Oversight Commission, Germany)
07 Philippe Steing speech (Secretary General, Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes (H3C), France
08 Petr Kriz speech (FEE Council Member, Former President, Chamber of Auditors, Czech Republic
09 Paul Boyle notes (Chief Executive Officer, Financial Reporting Council, UK)
10 Patrice Muller presentation (Partner, London Ecomics, UK)
11a André Kilesse speech (FEE Council Member, President of Institut des Reviseurs d’Entreprises, Belgium)
11b André Kilesse presentation
12 Guy Jubb presentation (Director of Corporate Governance, Standard Life Investments, UK)
13a Klaus-Günter Klein speech (FEE Vice-President, Member of the European Forum on Auditors’ Liability, Germany)
13b Klaus-Günter Klein presentation
14 Xavier Aubry presentation (Chairman, FEE Auditing Subgroup on Quality Assurance; Chairman Quality Control Committee of the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (CNCC), France)
Related links:
15 Charlie McCreevy speech (European Commissioner – Internal Market and Services)