
7 April 2011 — News

Call for Comment on ‘Combined Financial Statements – A Discussion Paper’

Call for Comment on ‘Combined Financial Statements – A Discussion Paper’


FEE issues ‘Combined Financial Statements – A Discussion Paper’.

The objective of this discussion paper is to enhance the public debate on the preparation of combined financial statements under IFRS and is a first step to collect views from all interested parties and stakeholders on that subject.

For this purpose, the discussion paper describes briefly the key areas relevant for the preparation and understanding of combined financial statements and identifies questions.

Responses are welcome to these questions, with supporting arguments and examples, by 30 September 2011 by e-mail to [email protected] or post to: Sylvie Romancide, Project Officer and Communication Coordinator, Fédération des Experts-comptables Européens (FEE), Avenue d’Auderghem 22-28/8, B – 1040 Brussels.

Related files:

 1. Combined Financial Statements – A Discussion Paper 1104
 2. Call for Comment