Online workshop
22 June 2022 (15:00 - 17:00)
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About this event:
Join our online interactive workshop to debate the practical implications of the European Commission’s EU-wide requirement for sustainability assurance within the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
While EU policymakers are finalising the CSRD trilogue negotiations, we are launching our discussion paper Sustainability assurance under the CSRD, which provides insights from practice on key matters related to this new assurance requirement.
Together with EU and international stakeholders representing policy makers, standard-setters, business, investors and the accountancy profession, we will discuss how to prepare for this upcoming new requirement and eventually achieve high quality and consistent assurance across the EU.
Speakers (scroll down for programme):
20:57 - 20:57
Noémi Robert, Director, Accountancy Europe
20:57 - 20:57
Wim Bartels, Chair Sustainability Policy Group, Accountancy Europe
Angélique Laskewic, Executive Director, VBDO
Jane Thostrup Jagd, Deputy Director, Net Zero Finance, We mean business coalition
20:57 - 20:57
Julien Rivals, Vice Chair Sustainability Policy Group, Accountancy Europe
Keynote with Q&A:
Willie Botha, Technical Director, IAASB
20:57 - 20:57
Wim Bartels, Chair Sustainability Policy Group, Accountancy Europe
Reactions with Q&A:
Blanka Vezjak, Member of Audit Committees Working Group, ecoDa
Massimiliano Turconi, Vice President, the European Confederation of Internal Auditing (ECIIA)
Ryan Spiteri, Director, Global Financial Reporting, Blackrock
20:57 - 20:57
Hilde Blomme, Deputy Chief Executive, Accountancy Europe