
Accounting, Sustainability and the Public Sector

Public sector roundtable

Accounting, Sustainability and the Public Sector

This roundtable focused on how sustainability in the public sector can be improved and integrated both in terms of policy and reporting with a live audience.

Issues that were addressed include non-financial indicators, impact of the crisis, public procurement, and sustainability reporting.

Keynote Speakers included:

– Hans van Damme, FEE President
– Richard Howitt, MEP, European Parliament Rapporteur on Corporate Social Responsibility

Panellists included:

– Anatoli Bourmistrov , Associate Professor, Bodø Graduate School of Business, Norway
– John Conway, Sustainable Product Standards and Product Carbon Footprinting, Defra, UK
– Martin Dees , Dutch Court of Auditors
– Roberto Giacomelli, Director of Climate Change & Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young, Italy
– Nancy Kamp , Chair FEE Sustainability Working Party
– Ernst Ligteringen , GRI Chief Executive, Netherlands
– Caroline Mawhood , NAO, Chair FEE Public Sector Committee
– Larry Pinkney , HM Treasury, UK
– Lisa Scott, Environmental Management Accountant, Highways Agency, UK

With active involvement of the audience

Paul Druckman, Facilitator, Chairman FEE Sustainability Policy Group

Related files:

document pdf text 1. Agenda of the Roundtable
document pdf text 2. Summary of Speakers’ CVs
document pdf text 3. Questions & Statements
document pdf text 4. Summary Note of the Roundtable
document pdf text 5. News Release ‘Public Sector to drive sustainability and lead by example’ of 21 December 2009



  • 10:19 - 10:19

    Registration and coffee

  • 10:19 - 10:19


    Hans VAN DAMME, FEE President

  • 10:19 - 10:19

    Keynote speech on sustainability and the public sector

    Richard HOWITT, European Parliament

  • 10:19 - 10:19

    Roundtable: Questions and statements for discussion

    A. Policy and Accountability - Selection of KPIs in relation to government policy - Different perspectives between politicians and community and sustainability. Business development and sustainability - Demographical Developments - Crisis B. Reporting on Sustainability - Sustainability Reporting - Sustainability impact within financial statements - Non- financial indicators of the reporting - Assurance on Sustainability Reporting Panellists Facilitator: Paul DRUCKMAN, Chair of the FEE Sustainability Policy Group

  • 10:19 - 10:19

    Coffee Break

  • 10:19 - 10:19

    Roundtable: Questions and statements for discussion

    C. Operational Excellence by government and government agencies - Public procurement - Rewarding initiatives with a positive impact on sustainability D. Role of EU in Climate Change - Impact of the financial crisis - Use of energy and CO2 emissions in local authorities Panellists Facilitator: Paul DRUCKMAN, Chair of the FEE Sustainability Policy Group

  • 10:19 - 10:19

    Summing up and Close


  • 00:00 - 10:19

    Buffet lunch