
Harmonising European Public Sector Accounting

Public Sector Roundtable

Harmonising European Public Sector Accounting


Harmonising European Public Sector Accounting

A unique opportunity to discuss the harmonisation of European public sector accounting with European and national policymakers, representatives from the public sector, accountants and auditors.

TMMB phoca thumb l 20140401-1082-veldemanphoto Moderated by Thomas Müller-Marqués Berger

Chair of the FEE Public Sector Working Party, Partner at EY (Head of International Public Sector Accounting), Member of IPSASB

corner Session I and Q&A: Taking stock on EPSAS developments

Alexandre Makaronidis – Head of Unit, Task Force EPSAS – European Public Sector Accounting Standards, European Commission – Eurostat

corner Session II and Q&A: Debate on European harmonisation and IPSAS

Stéphanie Ledoux – Deputy Head of Accounting Standards and Internal Control, Directorate General of Public Finance, Ministry of Finance, France

Michal Svoboda – Head of Unit, Department of Accounting and Audit, Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic

corner Session III and Q&A: A staged approach: which way forward?

Thomas Müller-Marqués Berger – Chair of the FEE Public Sector Working Party, Partner at EY (Head of International Public Sector Accounting), Member of IPSASB

corner Panel debate and Q&A: What is a realistic timeframe for implementation?

Moderated by Alan Edwards, Deputy Chair of the FEE Public Sector Working Party, International Director, CIPFA

Ian Carruthers – Policy and Technical Director, CIPFA

Bernhard Schatz – Unit for budget and European affairs, Ministry of Finance, Austria

Michal Svoboda – Head of Unit, Department of Accounting and Audit, Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic

Danièle Lajoumard – Chair of the State Accounting Standards Commission of the French Public Accounting Standards Committee, Head of Internal Audit at the French Ministries of Economy and Finances

Oscar Figueiredo – Delegate in the Public Accounting Standards Setter, Portugal

Alexandre Makaronidis – Head of Unit, Task Force EPSAS – European Public Sector Accounting Standards, European Commission – Eurostat


Venue: Espace Banca Monte Paschi, Avenue d’Auderghem 22-28, 1040 Brussels

Contact and Registration: email: [email protected]  /  phone: + 32 (0) 2 285 40 84


Related files:

document pdf text Programme

document pdf text Speakers’ Bios

document pdf text Presentation – Stéphanie Ledoux

document pdf text Presentation – Alexandre Makaronidis

document pdf text Presentation – Thomas Müller-Marqués Berger

document pdf text Summary


Related links:

corner Photo gallery

corner FEE Roundtable Series on Public Sector Accounting 


Opening remarks by FEE President André Kilesse


Closing speech by FEE CEO Olivier Boutellis-Taft





  • 00:00 - 13:56

    Registration and coffee

  • 00:00 - 13:56

    Opening and welcome

    André Kilesse, FEE President

  • 00:00 - 13:56

    Session I and Q&A

    Taking stock on EPSAS developments
    Alexandre Makaronidis – Head of Unit, Task Force EPSAS – European Public Sector Accounting
    Standards, European Commission, DG Eurostat

  • 00:00 - 13:56

    Session II and Q&A

    Debate on European harmonisation and IPSAS
    Stéphanie Ledoux – Deputy Head of
    Accounting Standards and Internal Control,
    Directorate General of Public Finance,
    Ministry of Finance, France
    Michal Svoboda – Head of Unit,
    Department of Accounting and Audit,
    Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic

  • 00:00 - 13:56


  • 00:00 - 13:56

    Session III and Q&A

    A staged approach: which way forward?
    Thomas Müller‐Marqués Berger – Chair of the FEE Public Sector Working Party, Partner at EY
    (Head of International Public Sector Accounting), Member of IPSASB

  • 00:00 - 13:56

    Panel debate and Q&A  

    Moderated by Alan Edwards, Deputy Chair of the FEE Public Sector Working Party, International
    Director, CIPFA

    What is a realistic timeframe for implementation?
    Ian Carruthers – Policy and Technical Director, CIPFA
    Bernhard Schatz – Unit for budget and European affairs, Ministry of Finance, Austria
    Michal Svoboda – Head of Unit, Department of Accounting and Audit, Ministry of Finance,
    Czech Republic
    Danièle Lajoumard – Chair of the State Accounting Standards Commission of the French
    Public Accounting Standards Committee, Head of Internal Audit at the French Ministries of
    Economy and Finance
    Oscar Figueiredo – Delegate in the Public Accounting Standards Setter, Portugal
    Alexandre Makaronidis – Head of Unit, Task Force EPSAS – European Public Sector
    Accounting Standards, European Commission, DG Eurostat

  • 00:00 - 13:56

    Concluding remarks  

    Olivier Boutellis‐Taft, FEE CEO

  • 00:00 - 13:56
