17 June 2011 (10:00 - 14:00)
Add to my calendarFEE, Avenue d'Auderghem, 22-28, B-1040 Brussels
View on Google MapsIntegrated Reporting aims at making clear the link between financial and non-financial value and addresses the wider as well as longer-term consequences of decisions and actions. The main objective of this IIRC roundtable hosted by FEE is to provide an opportunity for a wide range of European stakeholders to enhance their understanding of and debate the concept of Integrated Reporting and its development. This roundtable is one of a series the IIRC is arranging around the world.
The roundtable is timely as the IIRC is preparing a Discussion Paper on an Integrated Reporting framework to be presented at the time of the G20 meetings in October/November 2011.
Due to limited space participation to the roundtable is by invitation only.
For more information about Integrated Reporting and the IIRC, please visit:
Related files:
Program of the European Roundtable on Integrated Reporting
Pre-reading material on Integrated Reporting and the IIRC
Background to the IIRC – June 2011
Speakers’ Bios
News Release
Paul Druckman’s Presentation
Jim Singh’s Presentation
Related links: BUSINESSEUROPE Director General Philippe de Buck – Speaking Points
00:47 - 00:47
00:47 - 00:47
by Jean-Charles de Lasteyrie, Chair of FEE Integrated
Reporting Task Force and FEE Vice-President, member of FEE Executive
00:47 - 00:47
by Jim Singh, Executive Vice-President and Chief
Financial Officer of Nestlé
- The case for Integrated Reporting
- Why the IIRC was set up and who is involved
- Key milestones for the IIRC
00:47 - 00:47
00:47 - 00:47
from Richard Howitt, MEP, European Parliament Rapporteur on
Corporate Social Responsibility
00:47 - 00:47
by Paul Druckman, Co-Chairman of the
IIRC Working Group including an outline of the Draft Discussion Paper on
Integrated Reporting
An interactive discussion around a series of key questions with the
roundtable participants
00:47 - 00:47
led by Olivier Boutellis-Taft, FEE Chief Executive
00:47 - 00:47