
11 May 2016 — Consultation Response

FEE comments on proposed changes to the Ethics Code on the long association of personnel with an audit client

In our response to the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) exposure draft Limited Re-exposure of Proposed Changes to the Ethics Code on Addressing the Long Association of Personnel with an Audit Client, we re-emphasise that with the proposed new requirements, the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Ethics Code) would become rules-based and very complex. This could lead to problems of application at an international level which defies the very purpose of a high level international Ethics Code.

We also encourage IESBA to assess the potential impact of the proposal on small- and medium-sized practices (SMPs) that may perform audits of smaller listed public interest entities.


 The Federation’s response to IESBA’s ED Limited Re-exposure of Proposed Changes to the Ethics Code on Addressing the Long Association of Personnel with an Audit Client
IESBA’s ED Limited Re-exposure of Proposed Changes to the Ethics Code on Addressing the Long Association of Personnel with an Audit Client