11 May 2016 — Consultation Response
In our response to the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) exposure draft Limited Re-exposure of Proposed Changes to the Ethics Code on Addressing the Long Association of Personnel with an Audit Client, we re-emphasise that with the proposed new requirements, the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Ethics Code) would become rules-based and very complex. This could lead to problems of application at an international level which defies the very purpose of a high level international Ethics Code.
We also encourage IESBA to assess the potential impact of the proposal on small- and medium-sized practices (SMPs) that may perform audits of smaller listed public interest entities.
The Federation’s response to IESBA’s ED Limited Re-exposure of Proposed Changes to the Ethics Code on Addressing the Long Association of Personnel with an Audit Client
IESBA’s ED Limited Re-exposure of Proposed Changes to the Ethics Code on Addressing the Long Association of Personnel with an Audit Client