
5 March 2024 — News

A green and competitive Europe – our priorities for the 2024-2029 mandate

A green and competitive Europe – our priorities for the 2024-2029 mandate

Accountancy Europe calls on EU policymakers to stand up for a competitive and green Europe.

With the EU elections in a few weeks, more and more voices fight sustainability on the backdrop of shifting attention to global economic insecurity, cost of living and safeguarding Europe’s competitiveness. As part of this narrative, sustainability is often presented as an impediment to competitiveness. These reactions prioritise short-term gains and specific interests. However, the EU’s competitive advantage and its ability to sustain its social and economic model can only result from profound and structural changes. Sustainability practices lead to lasting competitive advantages such as better use of resources, increased availability of materials, revenue growth, new employment creation etc. which underpin long-term value creation. This is part of the EU Green Deal agenda.

Accountancy Europe continues to support that achieving a Just Sustainable Transition is a prerequisite for preserving and enhancing competitiveness. It is also a guarantee for our future as an economy and a civilisation. EU’s competitiveness and Just Sustainable Transition can and should go hand in hand.

Read our manifesto:

“Make your vote count” – our campaign with the European Parliament

Explore our campaign promoting the European elections, in partnership with the European Parliament for the initiative. Check the details here and follow us on LinkedIn for the latest updates.

Accountancy Europe’s event at the European Parliament (16 April 2024) – “Democracy in action: discussing inflation and the sustainability agenda.

Watch Olivier Boutellis-Taft’s interview as he discusses our manifesto and priorities for the next European Commission.