
  • Capital: Luxembourg
  • Population: approx. 500,000
  • Language: Luxembourgish, French, German
  • Part of the EU since: Founder

Member Bodies

  • Institute of Registered Auditors (IRE)
  • Order of Chartered Accountants (OEC Luxembourg)

Professional Bodies

No. of members468 Public practice
113 In business
& 78 audit firms
(21 February 2020)
1,168 natural persons
 553 firms
(20 February 2020)1,168 natural persons
 553 firms
(20 February 2020)
Institute staff34
Date of establishment19841999
Local branches11
Subject to public oversightNoNo
Public oversight authorityN/A
(For qualified professionals: Financial Sector Supervisory body “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier”, CSSF)
(For qualified professionals: Ministère de l’Economie – Direction générale Classes moyennes)
Involvement in Qualification and Market AccessIRE[1]OEC
Initial educationNoNo
Approval and registrationNo (CSSF)No (Ministère des Classes Moyennes)
Continued Professional DevelopmentApproved statutory auditors (“Réviseurs d’entreprises agréées”): CSSF
Statutory auditors (“Réviseurs d’entreprises« ): IRE
[1] IRE is represented within the CSSF committees.
Standard settingAuditing / independence standards: CSSF
Other subjects: IRE
Quality assuranceStatutory audit (“contrôle légal des comptes »): CSSF
Other matters including AML/CFT: IRE
Peer review process
Disciplinary measuresAdministrative sanctions (statutory audit): CSSF
Disciplinary measures (other matters): IRE


ProfessionsStatutory auditor
(Réviseur d‘entreprises)
Chartered Accountant
Professional bodyIREOEC
Protected titleYesYes
Reserved activitiesStatutory auditors (“réviseurs d’entreprises”) are authorised to carry out any duties entrusted exclusively to statutory auditors (“réviseurs d’entreprises”) by a law. The exercise of those duties is not incompatible with the exercise of other activities, such as domiciliation, contractual auditing, giving fiscal advice, organising and carrying out accounting and analysing using accounting techniques the situation and functioning of undertakings from their various economic, legal and financial aspects.
In addition to the above, approved statutory auditors (“réviseurs d’entreprises agréés”) are authorised to carry out statutory audits (“contrôle légal des comptes”).
Bookkeeping, preparation of annual accounts and financial analysis of entities: engagements as provided by the Law of 10 June1999 (Article 1) as modified
Included authorisationsKeeping accounts, domiciling companies. Performing all services relating to payroll and social secretarial services, giving advice on tax matters and drawing up tax returns, carrying out contractual auditing of accounts or acting as auditors


Statutory auditorChartered Accountant
Regulated professionYesYes
Public oversight authorityFinancial Supervisory Commission (CSSF)
Institut des réviseurs d’entreprises (IRE)
Ordre des Experts-Comptables (OEC)


Statutory auditorChartered Accountant
• Academic degree (minimum master’s degree)
• Auditing practice: 3 years
• Complementary education
• Academic degree (minimum bachelor’s degree)
• Professional practice: 3 years
• Complementary education


No. of qualified professionals468 Public practice
113 In business
& 78 audit firms
(21 February 2020)
1,168 natural persons
 553 firms
(20 February 2020)
No. of new trainees per year63 trainees
(21 February 2020)
Information not available
No. of people taking the professional examination44
(2019 session)
Information not available
No. of people passing the professional examination19
(2019 session)
Information not available

Market access – qualified professionals

Statutory auditorChartered Accountant
Registration requiredYesYes
Competent authority for registrationCSSFMinistère des Classes Moyennes, then OEC
Annual membership feeCSSF (annual fees)
• Statutory auditors €1000
• Approved statutory auditors €1000
• Audit firms €500
• Approved audit firms €2000
Approved audit firms are also subject to an additional lump sum fee based on the number of statutory audit engagements.
For additional information, the reader is invited to read pages 16 & 17 of the Grand-ducal Regulation of 21 December 2017 relating to the fees to be levied by the CSSF[2].
IRE (annual fee)
• Approved statutory auditors and statutory auditors in public practice EUR 700
Statutory auditors in business EUR 300
Annual membership fee:  €450 
(natural persons only)
Cost of appointment/ registrationSee pages 16 & 17 of the Grand-ducal Regulation of 21 December 2017 relating to the fees to be levied by the CSSF.No
Oath requiredNoNo
Insurance requiredYesYes
Professional address requiredYesYes
[2] Available at: