
  • Capital: Brussels
  • Population: approx. 11,000,000
  • Language: Dutch, French, German
  • Part of the EU since: Founder

Member Bodies

Professional Bodies

No. of members1,07216,000
Of which 4000 trainees
Institute staff2650
Date of establishment19532019
Local branchesNoNo
Subject to public
Public oversight
Minister of Economy and High Council of the Economic
Professions (CSPE-HREB) (approval of the standards)
Belgian Audit Oversight College (CSR-CTR) (quality
assurance and surveillance and ultimate responsibility over
the activities delegated by law to IBR-IRE) Commission of
sanctions of Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA
The High council for economic professions has the oversight
on the approval of standards
Involvement in
Qualification and
Market Access
Initial educationYesYes
Approval and registrationYes – Under the supervision of CSR-CTRYes
Continued Professional DevelopmentYes – Under the supervision of CSR-CTRYes
Standard settingYes, the initiative (standard setting CSPE-HREB, endorsement
Minister of Economy)
Yes, shared with High Council of the Economic Professions
Quality AssuranceNo (CSR-CTR)Limited (control of the continued professional development
and review of specific reports)
Disciplinary measuresNo (investigation: CSR-CTR, sanctions FSMA)Investigation: independent body within ITAA
Sanctions by independent chamber (president=judge,
assisted by professionals)


ProfessionsCertified accountantCertified Tax advisorAuditor
(Réviseur d‘entreprises (FR)
Bedrijfsrevisor (NL))
(Starting May 2020 there will be no
more access to this title)
Protected titleYesYesYesYes
Reserved activitiesActivities regarding the issuance of
financial statements, for example
review of financial statements,
valuation, forensic accounting,
special assignments stated in
company law or other specific laws
No reserved activitiesStatutory Audit and all activities
regarding the issuance of financial
statements for example review of
financial statements, valuation,
forensic accounting, special
assignments stated in company law
or other specific laws
Activities regarding bookkeeping,
establishment of financial
Included authorisationsBookkeeping
Tax services (not a reserved activity)
Tax services (not a reserved activity)Related assignments stated in
specific laws (Audit and (main
activity), bookkeeping, tax services
provided that the rules on
independence are complied with)
Tax services (not a reserved
activity), other assignments stated
in specific laws


Certified accountantCertified Tax advisorAuditorAccountant
Regulated professionYesYesYesYes
Public oversight authorityHigh Council for the Economic
Professions (CSPE) (appointed by the
State – gives advices which are
eventually mandatory for all
standards and recommendations to be taken by ITAA
Disciplinary courts
Professional body ITAA
High Council for the Economic
Professions (CSPE) (appointed by the
State – gives advices which are
eventually mandatory for all
standards and recommendations to be taken by the ITAA
Disciplinary courts
Professional body ITAA
Public Prosecutor
High Council for the Economic
Professions (CSPE) and Minister of
Economy (endorsement of standards)
Belgian Audit Oversight College
(quality assurance and surveillance
and ultimate responsibility over the activities delegated by law to IBR-IRE)
Commission of sanctions of Financial
Services and Markets Authority
High Council for the Economic
Professions (CSPE) (appointed by
the State – gives advices which are
eventually mandatory for all
standards and recommendations to be taken by ITAA
Disciplinary courts (EN)
Professional body ITAA


Certified accountantCertified Tax advisorAuditorAccountant
General initial
education steps
(without possible
Academic degree (master or
bachelor) or a similar degree
(higher economic education)

Admission test

Traineeship (at least 3 years but reduction is possible under conditions)

Final examination (written and oral, before a jury of 5
Academic degree (master or bachelor) or a similar degree
(higher economic education)

Admission test

Traineeship (at least 3 years but reduction is possible under conditions)

Final examination (written and oral, before a jury of 5
Academic degree (Master – at least 4 years)

23 “theoretical training exams”. The theoretical
training exams can be taken before the start of the
practical training or during the practical training.

11 practical training exams covering 12 topics (during the traineeship).

Traineeship (at least 3 years but shortening of the
duration of the practical training possible if 15 years of professional experience)

Final examination (written and oral, before a jury of 5
Academic degree (master or bachelor) in accounting
or a degree of higher economic education in

Traineeship (at least 1 year up to 3 years)

Final examination (written and oral, before a jury of 5

Starting May 2020 there will be no more access to this title


Certified accountantCertified Tax advisorAuditorAccountant
No. of qualified
5,000 (of which 3,800 professionals in

4,300 of them are also qualified as
tax advisor
5,500 (of which 3,800 professionals in

4,300 of them are also qualified as
1,0726,600 (including 1,600 trainees)
No. of new trainees per year30050110350
No. of people
taking the
No. of people
passing the professional examination

Market access – Qualified professionals

Certified accountantCertified Tax advisorAuditorAccountant
Registration requiredYesOnly for the use of the titleYesYes
Competent authority for registrationITAAITAAIBR-IRENo more access to this title starting
May 2020
Cost of appointment/registrationNo registration fee, only annual
membership fee
No registration fee, only annual
membership fee
No registration fee, only annual
membership fee
Registration fee (€150 – only at the
beginning of the traineeship) and
annual membership fee
Oath requiredYes (In corporate Court)Yes (In corporate Court)Yes (in Court of Appeal)No
Insurance requiredYes – contractual limitation of liability
Yes – contractual limitation of liability
Yes – cap on liability for legal
engagements – contractual
limitations recommended by the IBR-IRE Board
Yes – contractual limitation of
liability allowed
Professional address requiredYesYesYesYes