5 February 2013 (09:30 - 15:30)
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In June 2012, FEE published a Discussion Paper on the functioning of Audit Committees. This discussion paper was intended to be a starting point to enhance thought-leadership on the future evolution of Audit Committees within Europe. To foster the debate, FEE has organised a Conference on ‘How to improve Audit Committees further?’ on Tuesday, 5 February 2013 in Brussels.
This high level conference brought European decision makers and relevant stakeholders including audit committee members, auditors, investors and regulators together to discuss further improvements of the functioning of audit committees. Stimulating closer cooperation throughout the audit engagement, especially the exchange of high quality information between audit committees and the external auditor, will be of great benefit to the company and to the external auditor. To this extent, and considering that one or more members of an audit committee are often trained accountants, FEE is aiming at enlarging and widening the debate.
For more details please see the relevant documents below. If you require additional information, please contact Noémi Robert, Project Manager, at [email protected].
Related files:
FEE Roundtable on Audit Committees – Highlights 1303
Presentation Andrew Chambers Keynote speech
Presentation Jella Benner-Heinacher
Related links:
Discussion Paper on the Functioning of the Audit Committees
Photo Gallery view
09:30 - 12:45
10:30 - 12:45
André Kilesse, FEE President
10:45 - 12:45
Professor Andrew Chambers, Deputy Chair of the FEE Company Law and
Corporate Governance Working Party
FEE Discussion Paper “The Functioning of Audit Committees” - Survey Outcome
and Recommendations for Improvements
11:15 - 12:45
Policy perspective on audit committees, Nathalie Berger, European Commission
Head of Unit, Audit and Credit Rating Agencies
National regulator point of view from the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC), Roger
Marshall, FRC Board Member
The views of a preparer of Financial Statements, Dr Christian Holzherr, former CFO
of Celesio AG and EnBW, Audit Committee Chair of Herrenknecht AG, Member of the
Supervisory Board of Stuttgart Stock Exchange
Perspective of an Audit Committee Chairman, Carlos Soria, Chairman of the Audit
Committee, La Seda de Barcelona Group and Corporación Químico-Farmacéutica
Moderator: Andrew Chambers, Deputy Chair, FEE Company Law and Corporate
Governance Working Party, author of “Corporate Governance Handbook” et al.
12:45 - 12:45
13:45 - 12:45
Auditors’ views from Carol Lambert, Partner, Deloitte France, specialised in
Corporate Governance matter
Views of investors and shareholders, Jella Benner-Heinacher, President of
Trade union point of view of Walter Vogt, IG Metall, Germany
Perspective of an Audit Committee Chairman and Non-Executive Director, Andrew
Dougal, Audit Committee Chair, Carillion and Creston
Moderator: Jörgen Holmquist, Chairman, European Corporate Governance Institute
15:20 - 12:45
Giacomo Bugna, FEE Vice President, Chair of the FEE Company Law and
Corporate Governance Working Party
15:30 - 12:45