
Tax Day 2009: Simple, fair, coordinated – tax Utopia in the EU?


Tax Day 2009: Simple, fair, coordinated – tax Utopia in the EU?


FEE held today its high level conference “Simple, fair, coordinated – tax Utopia in the EU?” with more than 200 registered participants. PowerPoint presentations are now available.


Keynote address

László Kovács, European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union


Related files:

document pdf text FEE Tax Day 2009 Programme
document pdf text Presentation Chas Roy-Chowdhury
document pdf text Presentation Prof. Luc de Broe
document pdf text Presentation Chris Tailby
document pdf text Presentation Roelof Hoving
document pdf text Presentation Michael Niehues
document pdf text Presentation Stephen Dale
document pdf text Presentation Chris Needham
document pdf text Presentation Paul Farmer
document pdf text Presentation David Holmes
document pdf text Presentation Johan van der Paal
document pdf text Presentation Krister Andersson
document pdf text Presentation Prof. Christoph Spengel
document pdf text Presentation Jean-Marie Cougnon
document pdf text Presentation Friedrich Roedler
document pdf text Speakers’ CVs
document pdf text FEE Tax Day 2009 Summary



  • 00:00 - 05:11

    Registration and welcome coffee

  • 00:00 - 05:11

    Opening and welcome

    Hans van Damme, FEE President

  • 00:00 - 05:11

    Keynote address (video): The future of EU tax policy

    László Kovács, European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs

  • 00:00 - 05:11

    Taxpayers and taxplayers – all together in the same fiscal arena

    Introduction: “Fair tax” and how to get there Chas Roy-Chowdhury, FEE Tax Working Parties Tax planning – the fine line between tax avoidance and tax evasion Professor Luc de Broe, University of Leuven, Belgium From enhanced cooperation to tax partnership – The Tax Administration perspective Chris Tailby, ex HM Revenue & Customs, UK From distrust to trust and partnership – The Business perspective Roelof Hoving, Staples International, Netherlands Risk management and professional ethics Michael Niehues, FEE Ethics Working Party Discussions, Q & A

  • 00:00 - 05:11

    Networking lunch and political debate: What role for tax policy in the globalised economy of the 21st century?

    Stephen Bill, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner László Kovács Professor Johanna Hey, University Cologne, Germany Olivier Boutellis-Taft, FEE CEO

  • 00:00 - 05:11

    Indirect Tax: Can it be fair and simple?

    Short introduction Stephen Dale, FEE Indirect Tax Working Party The Business perspective Chris Needham, General Electric, UK Influence of the ECJ on Indirect Tax Policy Paul Farmer, Dorsey & Whitney, UK International VAT/GST guidelines – a reality or Utopia? David Holmes, OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration A European environmental tax? Johan van der Paal, Deloitte, Belgium Discussion, Q & A

  • 00:00 - 05:11

    Coffee break

  • 00:00 - 05:11

    Direct Tax: Does Europe need a common corporate tax?

    Short introduction Stefano Marchese, FEE Vice-President Business perspective: Tax competition and tax rate trends Krister Andersson, BUSINESSEUROPE Academic views: CCCTB Professor Christoph Spengel, University Mannheim, Germany Tax coordination based on ECJ case law? Jean-Marie Cougnon, FEE Direct Tax Working Party Professional perspective: Can taxation be reformed in Europe? Friedrich Roedler, FEE Direct Tax Working Party Discussion, Q & A

  • 00:00 - 05:11

    Wrap-up and conclusions plus Reactions of the European Commission

    Stefano Marchese, FEE Vice-President Philip Kermode, European Commission, Director Analysis and tax policies

  • 00:00 - 05:11
