
Climate-related disclosures: do they fit the EU agenda?

Breakfast debate

Climate-related disclosures: do they fit the EU agenda?

We are happy to host a breakfast discussion on climate-related disclosures.

To improve climate-related disclosures, the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance issued recommendations on how to align the existing non-binding guidelines for companies’ non-financial reporting with the TCFD recommendations. After a round of consultations, the European Commission published the updated guidelines in June.

Join the discussion with the Commission and other stakeholders on the newly published guidelines and the future steps.



  • 08:30 - 09:00

    Registration and breakfast

  • 02:06 - 02:06

    Welcoming remarks

    Hilde Blomme, Deputy CEO, Accountancy Europe

  • 02:06 - 02:06

    Presentation by the European Commission

    Thomas Dodd, Policy Officer, European Commission

  • 02:06 - 02:06


    Eric Dugelay, Partner Deloitte, Member of the TCFD & European Lab Project Task Force on Climate-related Reporting

  • 02:06 - 02:06

    Stakeholder discussion