
Time for action!

Future of VAT Roundtable

Time for action!

For updates, follow #FEEfutureVAT

 This series of Roundtables provides a unique opportunity to participate in high level discussions with national and international policy makers; national and EU tax authorities and specialists from business.

On 18 February 2016, FEE organised the 3rd roundtable of its series dedicated to VAT legislation in Europe, titled Time for action! How the Commission’s Action Plan will shape VAT in Europe. It brought together over 100 representatives from the policy-making and business communities, coming from more than 20 EU countries. In his keynote speech, Mr. Donato Raponi, Head of the VAT Unit at DG TAXUD, presented some insights on the upcoming European Commission’s VAT Action Plan. The purpose of the following panel debate was to share views on and hopes for the anticipated EC’s new VAT proposal, and to identify limitations in existing VAT rules as well as issues with potential solutions. (For more information, see the summary below).


Panel debate moderated by Ralph Korf – Federation of European Accountants, Chair of VAT Task Force, VAT Expert

  Keynote address – Examining the Options
Donato Raponi – European Commission, Head of Unit VAT DG TAXUD

 What Changes to the European VAT System May Mean in Practice
Donato Raponi
– European Commission, Head of Unit VAT DG TAXUD
Ian Broadhurst – HMRC (UK), Senior Policy Manager, and Head of VAT International– How the changes may impact on the Member States
Eilis Quinlan – Federation of European Accountants, SMP Forum – Practical issues for the small business
Mark Hammond-Giles – GE, Global VAT/GST Technical & Policy Manager – The impact on multinational business
Christine Weinzierl – Federation of European Accountants, VAT Task Force – The impact from an accountant’s perspective 

Venue: Stanhope Hotel, 9 Handelsstraat, 1000 Brussels

Related documents:

Previous editions of Future of VAT Roundtable events
 21 Oct 2015 – Destination: one stop shop?
 18 Nov 2014 – Cross Border Rulings



  • 10:00 - 05:11


  • 10:30 - 05:11

    Opening and welcome

    Petr Kriz - Federation of European Accountants, President

  • 10:35 - 05:11

    Keynote address: Examining the options

    Donato Raponi - European Commission, Head of Unit VAT DG TAXUD

  • 11:15 - 05:11

    Panel: What changes to the European VAT system may mean in practice

    Donato Raponi - European Commission, Head of Unit VAT DG TAXUD
    Ian Broadhurst - Senior Policy Manager, and Head of VAT International, HMRC (UK)
    Eilis Quinlan - Federation of European Accountants, SMP Forum member
    Mark Hammond-Giles - General Electric (GE), Global VAT/GST Technical & Policy Manager
    Christine Weinzierl - Federation of European Accountants, VAT Task Force member

  • 12:45 - 05:11

    Lunch and networking

  • 14:00 - 05:11
