
15 April 2016 — Consultation Response

FEE responds to EIOPA’s consultation on guidelines improving the dialogue between competent supervising authorities and auditors


In our response, we consider that the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Banking Authority (EBA) should ensure that their final guidelines are closely aligned to achieve a consistent, effective, and efficient implementation across Europe and across industries.

The Federation of European Accountants can serve as a discussion platform on European matters relevant to insurance supervisors and auditors; in particular, to address the lack of guidelines consistency in daily practices of supervisors and auditors.

Related documents:
The Federation’s response on EIOPA’s proposal for the Guidelines on facilitating an effective dialogue between insurance supervisors and auditors
The Federation’s response to EBA’s consultation on communication between competent authorities supervising credit institutions and statutory auditors 
 EIOPA’s consultation on the proposal for the Guidelines on facilitating an effective dialogue between insurance supervisors and auditors