4th Roundtable
6 October 2011 (13:30 - 16:40)
Add to my calendarFEE offices, Avenue d’Auderghem 22-28, 1040 Brussels
View on Google MapsIn the European SME week 2011, FEE organised the fourth Round Table discussion on Access to Finance for SMEs, this time focussing on “Financing growth, equipment and trade”, on Thursday 6 October 2011 at 14.00 CEST in the FEE offices in Brussels.
The objective of the FEE Round Table series is to raise awareness of the challenges that SMEs currently face in gaining access to external finance in many EU Member States and to identify and discuss solutions.
Related files:
1. Programme
2. Speakers’ CVs
3. Presentation of Giorgia Butturi
4. Presentation of Dörte Höppner
5. Presentation of Chris Dauw
Related links: The European SME week 2011
00:00 - 12:24
00:00 - 12:24
Olivier Boutellis-Taft, FEE CEO
00:00 - 12:24
Giorgia Butturi, Studio Butturi, Italy
00:00 - 12:24
Jacqueline Mills, Senior Adviser, Leaseurope (European Federation of Leasing
Company Associations)
00:00 - 12:24
Dörte Höppner, Secretary General, European Private Equity and Venture Capital
Association (EVCA)
00:00 - 12:24
Chris Dauw, Company Credit Mediator, Belgium
00:00 - 12:24
Francis Chittenden, ACCA Professor of Small Business Finance, Chair of the
FEE SMP Task Force