
18 December 2013 — News

News Release: FEE elects new Board and welcomes three new Members

News Release: FEE elects new Board and welcomes three new Members


Brussels, 18 December 2013 – FEE (Fédération des Experts-comptables Européens – Federation of European Accountants) held its Statutory Members’ Assembly welcoming three new Member Bodies and electing a new Board.

The leadership of the European accountancy profession met in Brussels today at the statutory meeting of FEE. A year ago, the Members of FEE adopted a profound reform of its Constitution to enhance its governance, accountability and European breadth. As a result, the Federation held an election to designate the FEE Board and elected the following Board members (alphabetical order):

Giacomo Bugna (CNDCEC, Italy), FEE Vice-President
Jean-Charles de Lasteyrie (IFEC, France), FEE Vice-President
Maria Rzepnikowska (KIBR, Poland), FEE Vice-President
Edelfried Schneider (IDW, Germany), FEE Vice-President
Morten Speitzer (FSR, Denmark), FEE Vice-President
Myles Thompson (ICAEW, United Kingdom), FEE Vice-President
Florin Toma (CECCAR, Romania), FEE Vice-President
Jos van Huut (NBA, Netherlands), FEE Vice-President, Treasurer and Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee

The Board also includes André Kilesse, President (IRE, Belgium), Petr Kriz, Deputy President (KACR, Czech Republic), Olivier Boutellis-Taft sprl, CEO, and Hilde Blomme Comm. V., Deputy CEO.

The FEE Members’ Assembly admitted a new full Member, TÜRMOB (Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants in Turkey) and two new associate Members, ISRCG (Institute of Certified Accountants of Montenegro) and SRRS (Serbian Association of Accountants and Auditors).

FEE President André Kilesse congratulated the new Members: “We are delighted to welcome these institutes in the European family and look forward to working together to support the needs and development of the accountancy profession in Europe and their countries”. The representatives of TÜRMOB, ISRCG and SRRS expressed their enthusiasm and gratitude to become Members of FEE.

Commending the newly elected Board members, Olivier Boutellis-Taft, FEE Chief Executive, said ‘I am confident that under the leadership of President Kilesse and Deputy President Petr Kriz the new Board will guide FEE and the European accountancy profession towards a spirit of cooperation, reflection and innovation to fulfil stakeholders’ needs and serve the public interest.”

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